Saturday, August 31, 2019

3D Class Week 01 - 20 Minute Proxy Model

For this class exercise, we were to take about 20 minutes to make a proxy model as close as we could to a reference image that Nick had on screen of a small vehicle.

2D Class Week01 - Basic Shapes from Syd Mead

For this assignment, we were to choose an artwork by Syd Mead and draw out a section of it using basic shapes and shading techniques. After looking at some past student's work for guidance on how to approach this assignment, I chose this work to replicate:
I chose to focus on the vehicle-like object on the left, and started by sketching out the basic shape and sections using the 2B pencil from Nick's Photoshop brush preset pack.

Next, I cleaned up the lines a little bit and reworked some of the overall shaping.
At this point I started playing around with grayscale coloring and shading, blocking in the base colors first, while still trying to pay attention to values.
Smudge tool to mix the colors together better:
Highlights added:
And finally, I smudged the colors again, as well as erased some stray marks and added a shadow beneath the object to give the illusion of hovering in space.

This was a fun exercise, and it still felt a bit challenging to me, keeping things more basic than the intricate painting above, as well as sticking to one color to make myself focus on values rather than being distracted by colors. It was also a little difficult for me to make the decisions for each section of how much detail or simplicity I should aim for. 
I am also not used to using the smudge tool, so that took some trial and error to figure out just how I wanted to use it in order to get the desired effect. Looking at the final two photos, I feel I possibly overused the blur a bit, and probably should aim for more of a middle ground between them in my next work to prevent the end result from looking too "muddy" in texture.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Figure Drawing Week 01

This week we focused on learning the bone structure and proportions of the human torso and neck area. After some demonstrations, we were to try and represent the bone structure of the model, focusing on the skeleton rather than the muscles and topical details. I had some trouble visualizing where the bones are, especially in the pelvic area. I also found I had a habit of pressing too hard with my charcoal for details, making it harder to correct any areas that felt necessary.

First TechArt Post

Test post for TechArt label

First Common Art Post

Test post for common label

First Animation Post

Test post for animation label

2D Class Week 01 Art of Syd Mead

Reference board of Syd Mead artwork